Reading Lists
Reading List Types allow you to classify groups of materials which usually do not belong directly to other Lesson Plans. These types may be used in the creation of Reading List records in the Student Info area as well as the Reading List report.
The Reading List Types configuration may be found by selecting the Settings button in the top application bar and navigating to Reading Lists under General Settings on the right-hand menu.
To add a new type, click on the green add button on the Reading List Types header bar and fill in the name along with an optional description.
Edit or delete an existing type by hoving over its actions dropdown at the end of a row.
Student Records
In the Reading Lists section of the Student Info module, you may log reading materials for each student along with due date and completion information. Each of these reading list records also includes our reading list type.
Student Info Reports include a Reading List report which lists all reading materials assigned to a student in a checklist format. This report displays the Reading List Type as a separate column.