Event settings allow the creation of custom events to be on used on your Calendar for personal planning purposes. Many people use these settings to create events like Chores, Appointments, and Practices. Each custom event also comes with its own summary report.
The Custom Event configuration may be found by selecting the Settings button in the top application bar and navigating to Events under General Settings on the right-hand menu.
By default, every new user begins with the Appointment and Chore custom events. To add another, simply click the green add button in the Event Types header and fill in the name along with an optional description.
You may also manage custom events directly from the Calendar.
Using Custom Events
Whenever you add a new custom event, it will show up as a new option on the Create Event dropdown in the Calendar. In this example, we've created the Holiday event type.
Adding an occurance of a custom event works much like adding an assignment or lesson with the exception that these events may be recurring. Recurring events may repeat on daily, weekly, or monthly intervals between the begin date and the end of the year.
You may also filter by Custom on the calendar to see all occurances of custom events.
Event Reports include a summary report for every custom event type you create in HomeSchool Minder. These appear under the Reports tab in the Events filter and are named as [Your Custom Event Name] Summary.
All custom event reports share a similar structure - they are summary listings of all occurances of a given event type. These reports default to the current or last term's dates in the current year and the current student, but the filters may be adjusted as your discretion.