Years and Terms
The Years and Terms settings allow you to segment your students' studies into semesters, quarters, or any other division you choose. These divisions will be reflected in the grading module and also when generating grade-related reports such as the report card.
Adding Years
When you first join, we'll automatically add a year for you.
To add a new one, click on the Add button in the Years header. A data entry form will appear. Type in the name of the year you want to add (for example, 2013-2014), and click Save.
Once you've added a year, you'll notice a new option in the year drop-down on the top bar.
This drop-down lets you switch between different years for the currently selected student. Each year will have its own calendar of events, a grade-book of courses taken during that year, and lesson plans for those courses.
When you register students for a course, besides the year, we'll need to know the terms in which they will be taking the course.
Adding Terms
To add a term to a year, click the Add button on that year's row and when the data entry form appears, enter the name of the term and the begin and end dates for the term. For example, you could add a Fall term starting on August 15 and ending on December 15 of 2013.
Repeat the process to add all the terms that you plan to teach during that year.
Once your terms are created, you'll be able to register students for courses during those time periods.
You'll also see terms show up as options in the grade-book and as filters in various reports. And most importantly, the Report Card will display a course grade for each term.
Editing Years or Terms
If you wish to change the details of a year or a term after you've added it, simply click on the row for that year or term. The data entry form will appear. Change any items that you would like to correct and click Save.
Deleting Years or Terms
If you add a year or term by mistake, it's easy to delete it.
To delete a year, simply place your mouse cursor on top of the circular Add button in the row for that year. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on the Delete option.
To delete a term, the procedure is similar. Place your mouse cursor on top of the circular drop-down icon in the row for that term, and click on the Delete option.